Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Essay Topics for Students - General Essay Topics

Essay Topics for Students - General Essay TopicsStudents who want to write an essay but are struggling with their ideas will find many general essay topics for students. This can be an especially good choice if you need to write an essay but have not been able to put together enough material. Writing a general essay is not too difficult.When you want to write a general essay, there are a number of types of topics that you can use. Topics include logical reasoning, examining themes, searching for the hidden logic, and differentiating between the real and the possible. All of these topics will be used when the student needs to write an essay.When you are looking for general essay topics for students, it is important to choose topics that are related to the topic of the assignment. If you choose topics that are not related to the assignment, then it is possible that you will not get the topic into the essay. When you do not have an assignment and you do not have enough ideas, you will n eed to work on these essays. This will result in a short essay that is very hard to write.When you are looking for topics to write a general essay, it is important to look for differentiates. This can be used in several ways. You can look for differentiates that are general throughout the subject of the essay. For example, you can look for differentiates that vary based on the topic of the essay. For example, you can look for differentiates that include differentiates based on cultural differences, the topic of history, the topic of ethics, the topic of creativity, and so on.In addition to the differentiates, you can also look for differentiates that focus on differences in people. There are a variety of topics that you can use to write a general essay. When you have enough ideas, you can look for differentiates that showdifferentiates between people and consider this in the differentiates.When you are looking for essay topics for students, it is important to consider the topics tha t you will need. Different topics can be used for different types of essays. There are general essay topics for students that you can use.When you are looking for general essay topics for students, it is important to consider the topics that you will need. You can choose topics that are specific or that you can use to write an essay that is general in nature. When you have the topics that you need to use, you can then work on writing an essay that is easy to write.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Rooms Division Operation Management - 21324 Words

| Rooms Division operation Management | Higher National Diploma In Hospitality Management | Bheemuck Chuvinee Neha amp; Emile Natacha Sandrine 11/19/2012 | Acknowledgement We would take this opportunity to first of all, express our words of gratitude to Mr Armooghum, who has been present for our queries. He has helped us a lot in solving confusions. The lectures have been helpful for the assignment, which have been one of the motivating factors. We would also like to thank the organizations or rather the members of the staff who have enormously contributed by filling the questionnaires and giving their personal views and information on the topic. Thank you Contents Acknowledgement 2 Table of Figures 7 Introduction 8†¦show more content†¦This is why it is important like every staff in fact, to have a perfect grooming and a good personality. 1.1.2 Accomodation * Maintenance service. In the hotels selected, the maintenance service is the same. The maintenance service forms part of the housekeeping service, they are in charge of every technical issues such as electricity power cut, no availability of hot water, and others. * Working procedures All hotels selected has the concept of working procedures. But which are different from each other. But the working procedures which can be defined also by Standard of procedures is an important concept having the same objectives. It is applied for standardization and also for effectiveness. As per WawickShire College (2012), Standard Operating Procedure is a ‘’Written procedure prescribed for repetitive use as a practice, in accordance with agreed upon specifications aimed at obtaining a desired outcome.’’ It is important because it helps to have a better standard of the work, and also the same result required. If the SOP’s did not exist, there would be a variation of results, which will be not uniformed. The standard Operating procedures also help to have a better effectiveness of using materials, which will help to have a better lifespan of the materials. It also helps the staff to use the materials in a safe way thus ensuring the healthShow MoreRelatedRoom divisions Operations Management5493 Words   |  22 Pagesï » ¿ Rooms Division Operations Management Table of Contents Executive Summary This case study explores the importance of Room Division service in hospitality industry. The task 1 discusses the different services provided by the rooms division in different circumstances. The impact of different operational issues in managing the front of house area is evaluated in the second task. The third task discusses the different featuresRead MoreRooms Division Operation Management21324 Words   |  86 Pages| Rooms Division operation Management | Higher National Diploma In Hospitality Management | Bheemuck Chuvinee Neha amp; Emile Natacha Sandrine 11/19/2012 | Acknowledgement We would take this opportunity to first of all, express our words of gratitude to Mr Armooghum, who has been present for our queries. He has helped us a lot in solving confusions. The lectures have been helpful for the assignment, which have been one of the motivating factors. We would also like to thank theRead MoreImportance Of Revenue Management For Operations And Room Division Operations Management1123 Words   |  5 PagesIntroduction This report focuses on the relevance of revenue management to operations and room division operations management. The relevant legislations and regulations required in room division operations management will be analysed. Further the roles and responsibilities of some accommodation and reception staff will be reviewed. The report will also concentrate on the services offered by rooms division in relation to accommodation and front office departments. Since the report concentratesRead MoreCritical Aspects Of Managing Hospitality Properties1604 Words   |  7 Pagessupervisory functions of room division is firstly taken into account, followed by an evaluation on the deployment of security measures at hotels. Last but not least, the significance of technology to the run of hotel business is discussed in further details in the scope of this report. Discussion Reflection upon supervisory functions of rooms division To commence, the focus of this very first section is placed on the discussion concerning the supervision functions of room division, as well as the roleRead MoreThe Hotel Organisational Structure1295 Words   |  6 PagesHKUSPACE Introduction to Front Office Operations (Directed Study) The Hotel Organisational Structure Hotels employ a vast number of persons with variety of skills. The larger the hotel, the more specialised the tasks. Large hotels have bigger resident populations and provide more services than do many small towns. Hotel organisations follow the pattern of other business institutions. They break up the work force into separate departments, with each department entrusted with a share of theRead MoreOperations Management Schroeder Chapters 1-31594 Words   |  7 PagesCHAPTER 1 Question #2 What is the difference between the terms production management and operations management? Production management deals primarily with the manufacture of goods, whereas operations management encompasses the production of not only goods, but services as well. Question #3 How does the function of an operations manager differ from the function of a marketing manager or a finance manager? The operations managers function is to create the supply of goods, whereas the marketingRead MoreHOSP582 Case Study 2 Essay1179 Words   |  5 Pages ï » ¿HOSP582 Case Study 2 ABC Management Company: Organizing for Mid-Range Service Discussion Questions 1. List some of the important organizational and service factors that the executives of ABC Management should consider before responding to the owners of the three mid-range service properties. Since the hotels are within the mid range (350-500 rooms), a room director will be needed to supervise the departments that make up the rooms division, another director for the food and beverageRead MoreRoom Division981 Words   |  4 Pagesmoney. Nothing sends a stronger message than cleanliness in hospitality operation. The reception can be divided into five areas : the concierge department comprises a large ground of uniformed staff, including: control of the uniformed staff, close liaison with the front office manage and other departments, giving of information to guest concerning hotel services and local directions, message taking and issuing room keys, the booking of theatre and the confirmation of airline passagesRead MoreCase Study : The Hotel Organizational Structure839 Words   |  4 Pagesfood and beverage operation and rooms, marketing and finance. The staff close relation or contact with guests is regarded as â€Å"front of the house† and what the guest are not cognizant of is called â€Å"back of the house.† For instance the wait staff of the restaurant is regarded as front of the house on the contrary the kitchen staff is back of the house. In grand hotels, responsibilities of division are held by managers and directors. On the other hand in small hotel, each division is supervised by theRead MoreThe Incident Command System Essay965 Words   |  4 PagesEmergency services face vast difficulties in the operations field when handling emergency situations, whether it comes from handling a minor accident to a catastrophic catastrophy. Many of the difficulties do not come from the actual incident, but instead they arise from forming a rescue team containing different agencies and people. For the benefit off all individuals participating, it is imperative that there be a unified command structure in place to effectively coordinate and oversee the tasks

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Washington s Farewell Address Analysis - 976 Words

Washington’s Farewell Address On September 19, 1796, first President of the United States of America - George Washington - wrote a letter commonly known as Farewell Address, which was published in a Philadelphia’s newspaper called American Daily Advertiser for every citizen to read it – nine years after the signing of the Constitution. This open letter was actually drafted and prepared in 1792, when Washington was planning to retire after working a single term in office; but after his Secretary of State, Thomas Jefferson, and his Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton were convinced and feared that the divisions between the Federalist and Republicans would set the country apart with the absence of a strong leader like George Washington, he decided to serve for a second term. The purpose of the letter was to offer advice to the next president, as he warned about political factions and permanent alliances. One of the main purposes of the letter was to announce that Washington would not be seeking a third term, which set the unofficial idea that a president should only seek two terms. As he begins his letter, he warns about divisions and how important is for America to stay united: â€Å"The unity of government which constitutes you one people is also now dear to you. It is justly so, for it is a main pillar in the edifice of your real independence, the support of your tranquility at home, your peace abroad; of your safety; of your prosperity; of that very libertyShow MoreRelatedWashington s Farewell Address Analysis1375 Words   |  6 Pages Washington’s Farewell Address Analysis Jennifer Trammell GOVT 200 – C04 Instructor Barber Opening statement Washington’s Farewell Address The major document we will be analyzing in this paper is George Washington’s â€Å"Farewell Address†. This was a very important document of its time and in order to analyze it fully it would be helpful to know a little more insight on the writing of and the reason it was written. Who is George Washington? George Washington was born in 1732, he grew upRead MoreAnalysis Of Washington s Farewell Address1656 Words   |  7 PagesAn Analysis of Washington’s Farewell Address in the Face of the Modern Era George Washington’s farewell address, published just prior to his retirement from the presidency in the fall of 1796, has long been esteemed as one of the most crucial documents for the original establishment of American policy in many areas. From setting a precedent for American neutrality during international wars to promoting the stewardship of public credit, Washington’s address has had a great influence on the paths thatRead MoreAnalysis Of George Washington s Farewell Address954 Words   |  4 PagesThe document, George Washington, Farewell Address, was a letter written to the citizens of the United States of America. It allowed outgoing President Washington to give advice on how to maintain the nation after he was gone. He advised our politicians to act in good faith towards all nations and to make an effort to keep peace with other countries. He cautioned to remain connected to God, maintain high moral principles and to set a good example, one that is guided by a sense of justice and kindnessRead MoreAnalysis Of George Washington s Farewell Address1009 Words   |  5 PagesProblem: In 1789 George Washington’s Farewell Address contained one major piece of advice to the county regarding relations with other nations: â€Å"avoid entangling alliances.† Those words shaped United States foreign policy for more than a century (Policy Making, American Government). Today some Americans think that Washington’s words are still wise ones, and that the United States (U.S.) should withdraw from world affairs whenever possible. In truth, however, the United States has been embroiledRead MoreGeorge Washington s Farewell Address Essay1258 Words   |  6 PagesChase Williams US History to 1865 Dr. Lisa Crutchfield October 14, 2015 George Washington s Farewell Address, Primary Source Analysis George Washington’s Presidential Farewell Address consisted of three critical elements that were considered vital for the functional survival of the country that had just won its independence. On September 19, 1796, President Washington advised the nation to stand together as one united country, warned the people about the dangers of political parties and heRead MoreGeorge Washington s Farewell Address Essay1884 Words   |  8 Pagesthat George Washington gave his â€Å"Farewell Address.† This profoundly important message is still read each year in the Senate. On September 19, 1796, US President George Washington published his Farewell Address to the nation of citizens. It was a thoroughly thoughtful analysis of our new nation, its needs for the future and his plans to decline to seek a third term as president. It was not delivered as a speech, but rather published in many newspapers and public venues. George Washington announcedRead MoreRhetorical Analysis: Rhetorical Analysis:1723 Words   |  7 Pagesï » ¿ Rhetorical Analysis: President Ronald Reagan s Farwell Address Rhetorical Analysis: Reagan s Farwell Address Ronald Reagan s Farewell Address was an amazing example of conveying the fundamentals for freedom through an emotional and visual lesson. It is no wonder that the president known as the great communicator was successful in painting for us a picture of who we were, past and present, and the improvements in the areas of strength, securityRead MoreEvaluating Historical Views of Leadership Essay1194 Words   |  5 Pageshigh ground is the most important weapon in breaking the will of the enemy (Stallard, 2013). Sun Tzu (1994) in his work, The Art of War, began his discussion with the value of the moral law (as cited in Stallard, 2013). George Washington (1796) stated in his farewell address as President that religion and morality are indispensable in supporting patriotism (as cited in Stallard, 2013). The guiding principle of military leadership is the respect for human dignity (Mann, 2000). Military leadershipRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Ronald Reagan s Farewell Address Essay1 767 Words   |  8 PagesFarewells and Fair-Warnings A Rhetorical Analysis of Ronald Reagan’s Farewell Address Introduction to Analysis On January 11, 1989, President Ronald Reagan sat at his desk in the Oval Office to address his nation for the final time. This rhetorical moment was not the first of its kind. Rather, the Farewell Address is a Presidential tradition, started by George Washington, that every president takes part in before leaving office. As a sort of â€Å"goodbye† to the nation, the President discusses the accomplishmentsRead More Analysis of Johnsons The Great Society Essay679 Words   |  3 PagesAnalysis of Johnsons The Great Society The Great Society, a program created by president Johnson in the 1960s with the intent of social and economic stabilization, brought much reform to the American Government and its citizens. It is a continuation and expansion of the ideas expressed in Roosevelts New Deal with the intentions of not only providing greater welfare but also equality of all races in all aspects of society. Although there were many accomplishments by the program, it is

Friday, May 15, 2020

Hospitality Business Marriott International Inc.

1. Introduction Hospitality assumes an imperative part in the tourism area. The hospitality business is the one, which influences the fulfillment of the clients straightforwardly furthermore influences the nation s picture. In the administration business lodgings are the most quickly extending field. Here in this economic analysis we have taken one such firm, The Marriott. As indicated by the world travel and tourism chamber (WTTC), the friendliness division has turned into a heading giver to the world s economy as far as quality included, charge, work, capital speculation and so on., Marriott is the lodging and resorts chain of Marriott International Inc., it is an United States based firm which heads in cordiality area. It is one among†¦show more content†¦As indicated by the tourism business worldwide exchange organization in the United States branch of trade, the interior landings in United States has expanded to 37 % in this decade. Their target business of our firm is the white collar class and upper working class individuals with solid purchasing force. The hotels additionally focus on the businessmen. Their rivals primary rivals are Starwood hotels, Choice hotels international, Hilton hotels, and Hyatt hotels. These hotels are Marriott s real rivals in more than seventy nations over the world. The opposition is as far as offerings, brand picture, quality and so on. Marriott was first in advertising the remote brand mindfulness in the hotel business. However now its rivals are doing likewise and picking up focal point out of it. The accompanying table will give the Marriott global Inc s. business catches (in $ million) information against their rivals. The conduct of a firm will positively rely on upon what number of firms are there in that specific business and the techniques are shaped accordingly. Because of comparability in administrations and qualities offered by its rivals, for example, Hilton , Starwood , Hyatt strengths Marriott into a wild competition. Basically, there are four separate classes of business sector under which any firm will act, they are perfect competition market, monopoly market, monopolistic competition market,

Thursday, May 14, 2020

How to Create a Homeschooling Lifestyle

Academics are a vital  aspect of homeschooling. However, we homeschooling parents need to avoid the trap of becoming  overly focused on them and on trying to recreate a traditional classroom setting. Doing so can cause us to  lose sight of what a gift it is to have the  freedom  to homeschool our children. Home educating doesn’t mean that we bring school home. Instead, it means that we incorporate learning into our everyday lives until it becomes an extension of our family life. Try these simple tips to put the home  in your schooling. 1. Snuggle up together to read – even if you’re all reading different books. It doesn’t matter if you’re reading books for school or books for fun, if you’re reading aloud or everyone has their own book – snuggle up to read together! A bed or couch is a perfect, year-round snuggle spot. A blanket in the back yard makes a stress-relieving warm weather book nook. Move the blanket near the fireplace or heater for a cozy cold weather spot. 2. Bake together. Baking together provides opportunities for younger kids to practice real-life math applications (such as adding and subtracting fractions), following directions, and basic kitchen chemistry. It allows older students to learn home-making skills in a real-world context. Baking together creates  discussion time for kids of all ages. It also helps your entire family to bond and create memories together. 3. Learn alongside each other. You don’t have to fumble your way through algebra or chemistry. Take the course with your students and learn together. This shows your kids shows them that learning never stops. 4. Discover family hobbies. Discovering activities that you all enjoy doing together builds family relationships .It also  provides additional  learning opportunities. For older kids, family hobbies may even translate to elective credits for high school. 5. Take family field trips. It’s fun to go on field trips with your homeschool group, but don’t forget about family-only field trips. The kids often learn more because they’re not distracted by friends. Family field trips also provide the non-teaching parent a chance to get involved with what the kids are learning. 6. Involve the non- teaching parent in real, practical ways. Let Dad (or Mom) do something besides ask, â€Å"What did you learn in school today?† Let the parent who isnt the primary teacher do science experiments or art class on the weekends or in the evenings. Let him read aloud to the kids in the evenings. Ask him to teach them to change the oil in the car, cook a favorite meal, or set up an Excel spreadsheet. Be aware of practical opportunities for homeschool dads (or moms) to be involved based on their talents and your family’s needs. 7. Allow character training to take place over academics. There comes a time in every homeschooling family’s life when character training needs your focus. It’s a time when you need to put the books aside and give your attention to the issue at hand. The books will still be there tomorrow or next week or next month. 8. Involve your children in your everyday life. Don’t overlook the educational value of everyday activities such as grocery shopping, running errands, or voting. Take your children with you. Don’t feel that school has to be a completely separate part of your day. 9. Don’t consider life events a disruption to school. At some point, most families will face life events such as a death, a birth, moving, or an illness. These are not disruptions to learning. They are opportunities to learn and grow together as a family. 10. Be involved in your community. Look for ways to get involved in your community as a family. Serve in the local soup kitchen. Volunteer at the library. Work in local politics.   Homeschooling families need to understand that learning happens all the time. We need to embrace these moments,  instead of seeing them as a disruption to school.   Dont miss the opportunities that are all around you to put the home in your schooling.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Silent Crying And Tears Never Given A Thought - 1213 Words

Silent screams and tears: Never given a thought ` I feel sorry for never reporting the domestic abuse to the police. Rape, violence, confinement, threats with weapons, death threats, stealing and destruction of property. I think he would be in jail for a long time if I had reported him. But I think it s too late. There is no proof other than the little bit of pain left in my heart from the years I wasted with a monster, caged in an abusive relationship.† (Jeanne) Jeanne wasted her five years of broken-winged life with a monster. She doesn’t remember the first time he hurt her. All she shares is cries and screams of pain. Every day, we see images or hear about violence against women in the news, on TV shows, in the movies and in our homes and workplaces. But, have we ever thought of any steps to prevent it? I doubt as everybody around is just happy in their own wonderful wacky world. It is a common problem for women of all ages, races, and classes as violence against women is a global problem. Recent global prevalence figures indicate that 35% of women worldwide have experienced either intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.( http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs239/en/ ) Rape, battering, sexual harassment, financial and emotional abuse are acceptable to those who commit these forms of violence. Violence can also strike women in the form of stalking, sexual assault, human trafficking, forced marriage and domestic/physical abuse.Show MoreRelatedWhat I Had For Granted Essay860 Words   |  4 PagesFor a very long time, I took what I had for granted. I thought everything and everyone I loved in my life would be in my possession for eternity, unknowing of how cruel the world can be. The world is a mean and nasty place, and it will beat you down as long as you let it. Nothing is worse than losing someone who you love and cherish more than anything in the world. â€Å"I’ve lost everything.† I had told myself the day my grandmother passed away. I was halfway through with cutting the grass, just finishingRead MoreGraduation Day1385 Words   |  6 Pagesbetter get inside before the ceremony starts.† As minutes pass by my anxiety begins to hit critical mass. Thousands of screaming families here in attendance to celebrate a moment of accomplishment with their newly graduates. Cheering, screaming, and crying create a sort of indistinct noise that just felt numb. Hundreds of balloons displaying messages of congratulations float in attendance as banners lined the stadium helping to substitute the roar of the crowd. Center stage, the sight of a solid blueRead MoreThe Effects Of Dehumanization In Night Before The War By Elie Wiesel904 Words   |  4 PagesDehumanization, although a concrete historical fact, is not a given destiny but the result of an unjust order that engenders violence in the oppressors, which in turn dehumanizes the oppressed† (Paulo Freire). No is born violent or racist. It is only when something unjust happens, that a person feels the need to dehumanize the oppressed or themselves, even. Elie Wiesel is a perfect example of someone who experiences this deh umanization, and bears the effects of it. In his memoir Night, beforeRead MoreAn Analysis Of My Mothers Face By Brenda Serotte1085 Words   |  5 Pagesbeing distraught and has a lot going through her mind. The speaker then goes on in later lines â€Å"Then without warning, the tears / rolling from the outer corners of down / past slightly pitted cheeks- / past that inverted smile† shows that the speakers mother has broken down emotionally, perhaps from sorrow due to her daughter moving on and her only sense of aging, or maybe even tears of joy from her daughter growing up and seeing herself in her. Not only does the mother feel disheartened with her daughterRead MoreThe Night - Original Writing1580 Words   |  7 PagesThe weather was so beautiful that we thought that we were not in the summer. I was sitting outside the house in our garden with my parents. We were having a nice chat after a delicious homemade crispy chicken with fries that my mom usually do. Everything wa s just perfect until my father received the unexpected call. The call that I wished my father didn’t receive. â€Å"Hello†¦what! What are you saying! Calm down I’m coming right away.† I was really nervous. I never saw my father very shocked liked thatRead MoreAssassin - Original Writing Essays715 Words   |  3 PagesAssassin - Original Writing A drop of blood rolled down his hand; that bright colour red did not manage to bring about any emotions. He cast a thought back to his childhood when he fell over and grazed his knee, the sight of blood made him wild. He was weak. Now he was as cold as a stone and after taking so many lives, after seeing waterfalls of red gushing out of his victims. The assassin was standing on a building crouching so that he would not be seen. He wasRead MoreKate Chopin s The Story Of An Hour1488 Words   |  6 Pagesthe person people really loved passed away in an accident, they will not believe at the beginning, which means they store their tears and wait until they admit their love one’s death. Mrs. Mallard weeps to show that she is actually accepting the death of her husband, but she could not express the joy of obtaining her freedom, because of the restrictions society has been given to her. â€Å"If immediately after learning of the death of her husband Louise had gone through a rapid logical process leading toRead MoreBusiness Presentation Of My Young Career1461 Words   |  6 Pagesother; who has a new bag, who brown bags it, who got a haircut, if someone is late or on vacation. We know all of this about each other without ever saying a word. In fact, we don’t even look at one another. I share my mornings with anonymous friends I never talk to. There I stood, on the train platform above the buzzing street traffic, waiting. I showed off my new winter coat. Beneath I wore the smartest black and red suit made solely for my body. Straight skirt, opaque stockings, new black Italian highRead MoreEssay on The Silences in Mansfield Park1251 Words   |  6 Pagesconverses with Edmund about his ordination and how a clergyman is meant to behave. In the whole of this conversation, Fanny only speaks once to say one word: â€Å"certainly† (87). When she speaks, Fanny is accepting the fact Edmund’s manners shall be thought of as conduct, â€Å"the result of good principles† (87). After walking the length of the conversation, Fanny tires of walking and must rest. Mary tries to rest a moment but finds she cannot sit because it â€Å"fatigues [her]† (90). Mary does have the patienceRead MorePreston and Amelia: The Future1967 Words   |  8 Pagesgorgeous. Oh, so do your friends help you? Can I see them?Amelia asked sounding rather excited. Emerald seemed to frown a bit before replying. There are only few fairies and each of them have their own land to take care of. They never leave their area so we never talk. Humans, such as yourself, drop by time to time and we talk to them,Emerald explained. Amelia looked at her in amazement. Emerald flew back giggling. â€Å"Wanna play a game?†Emerald asked motioning Amelia to follow her. â€Å"Yup

Personality Testing For Select Employees - 1710 Words

Organisational Behaviour MGMT1135 Assignment 2 By Henry Mony de Kerloy Introduction â€Å"Personality refers to the relatively stable pattern of behaviours and consistent internal states that explain a person’s behavioural tendencies.† (Mcshane, Travaglione, 2005) In the past the use of personality testing to select employees was looked down upon and thought to not be an accurate predictor of an employee’s job performance, however with increased confidence in how personality is defined (The Five Factor Model) experts are starting to recognize the usefulness of personality tests in predicting work performance (Hurtz, Donovan, 2000). Agreeableness, which is a part of the Five Factor Model, is an important trait in employees ability to interact†¦show more content†¦Review What is Agreeableness? The Five Factor personality Model (FFM), of which Agreeableness is a part, is a, â€Å"hierarchical organization of personality traits in terms of five basic dimensions: Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism, and Openness to Experience.† (McCrae, John, 1998) The FFM is a widely used model for defining the dimensions of personality. In this essay I will be focusing in on the dimension of Agreeableness and the effect of how agreeable an employee is affects their performance in a job, which has a lot of interpersonal interactions. Traits commonly associated with Agreeableness â€Å"include being courteous, flexible, trusting, good-natured, cooperative, forgiving, soft hearted and tolerant.† (Barrick, Mount, 1992) Is Agreeableness indicative of high job performance in a customer service setting? Employees in customer service jobs and jobs where people have to deal with social interactions, such as retail businesses, have to be able to get on with the customer and have a lot of interpersonal interactions with them. If they want to be good at their job and have a high job performance they will have to deal with the wide range of different customer personalities, all the while doing it in a warm, courteous and good natured way. All of which are traits of a person who is highly agreeable. Thus, â€Å"Agreeableness will be positively related to performance in jobs involving interactions with others.† (Mount, Barrick,

Red, White, and Black Essay - 1123 Words

The complexities of race effected the Jacksonian era through the shrewdness of the white man’s desires for economic expansion. Democracy, during its infancy in early nineteenth century America, considered all ‘people’ as equals. However, this designation of ‘people’ excluded African and Native Americans. The institution of slavery was a return investment venture for southern planters in their greed for the production of more staple crops. Many white Americans led extravagant lifestyles from the large incomes they received from the labors of their property. Also, the controversy over removing the Native American’s from their lands portrayed the voracity in which the European Americans afflicted upon the native civilizations during the†¦show more content†¦Therefore, the rise of the economy pivoted to issues of race while antislavery advocates held political reservations. (W- 4) Henry Clay was one of the most prominent abolitionists during the Jacksonian era and preached against the evils of slavery. Clay voiced his convictions to the American people that the longer slavery continued, the more difficult the demonic system would be to end; and as an acclaimed politician, supplemented his assertion with the human condition. Clay declared it was in a person’s nature that they were satisfied with their current state and even the African slave was acclimated to being a permanent piece of property. Clay insisted for the leaders of the nation to amend the antebellum connotation of democracy for the emancipation of all African slaves so that men could be truly happy and not deprived of their human rights. Clay, like most abolitionists in the early antebellum years, maintained that slavery ascribed prejudices that deceived the public’s bigotry of black Africans. Thus, the followers of the antislavery creed became militant in their movement in the northe rn portion of the United States as they denounced slavery. Yet, the majority of American citizens disliked abolitionists, even more so than slavery and Africans; as they were convinced that blacks were inferior to the ‘white’ race. In politics, a man whom criticized slavery was condemned in the south and alienated in the north. Politicians feared that the debateShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Black And White And Red All Over?1529 Words   |  7 PagesWhat is black and white and red all over? A newspaper? No, a modern kitchen decorative design is black and white and red all over. In a large black and white kitchen, white cupboards, white appliances, and white tile are basic white additions to the kitchen. Black countertop appliances, black fleck countertop design, and black barstools provide perfect accessories for the black and white kitchen. 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Mary Shelley More Sympathetic Towards Frankenstein Essay Example For Students

Mary Shelley More Sympathetic Towards Frankenstein Essay Is Mary Shelley More Sympathetic towards Frankenstein or his creation? What message does this novel have for society?  Mary Shelleys Frankenstein is an epistolary novel; an epistolary novel is one that is written  in the form of a series of letters. This type of writing allows the reader to be easily  manipulated into thinking certain things, as the letters only mention what the characters  writing the letters are aware of. This makes the reader unaware of other situations and  creates a lot of mystery in the novel and particularly the characters themselves. Using this  style of writing Mary Shelley instantly persuades the readers to view Frankenstein as the  hero of the novel and his nameless creation as the villain. Frankenstein starts of in the novel  as a young intelligent man who is embarking on a trip to a university where he meets a  professor who once experimented with life at dangerous levels. Frankenstein overhears this  knowledge from a fellow class mate Henry Clerval and is intrigued. This Information soon  leads to Frankensteins discovery of his professors notes, his professor had no intention of  ever picking up from where he was forced to stop, but Frankenstein had other ideas,  when his professor unfortunately passed away it led Frankenstein to believe that the  research already done would be wasted if it wasnt completed, so he took it upon  himself to carry the experiments out. It led to a gruesome obsession which left Victor  Frankenstein isolated from his friends and family and extremely ill. He doesnt think about  the consequences or the results of what he is embarking on, however he goes ahead and  does it thinking only of the enormous discoverys he has made if he can successfully create  life.  his hair was of a lustrous black, and flowing; his teeth of pearly whiteness; but these luxuriances only formed a more horrid contrast with his watery eyes This is the description of the creation as it comes to life, instead of the image of an innocent  new born, he is described as almost and evil inhuman being. Victor Frankenstein is instantlyrepulsed by his creations ugliness and he rushes out of the room. Neglected at birth the   creature could only leave to learn and find happiness. To begin with the creature only ever wanted happiness and a sense of belonging, Victor  wasnt able to give this so the creation went and searched for this feeling.  I longed to join them, but dared not page 113  This quote from the creature shows his feelings whilst he was observing the DeLacey family  and didnt want anything more than to join them, but once he realised he could never truly  belong to a family of humans with normal appearances he starts to show his dark side  becoming more and more evil as the story goes on.  I, like the archfiend, bore a hell within me, and finding myself unsympathised with, wished to tear up trees, spread havoc and destruction around me and then to have sat down and enjoyed the ruin. This shows what the creation is really capable of and how his mind is working in the reaction  to the treatment from others and the feeling of neglect and hatred. The creature even  thought of murder in a twisted thought of revenge, to find pleasure.  I could with pleasure have destroyed the cottage and its inhabitants, and have gutted myself with their shrieks and misery.  Mary Shelley has managed to pass the sympathy vote very easily in simply giving us the  creatures feelings and thoughts, we initially felt sympathy towards Victor Frankenstein,  however when the monster tells us his side of the story we shift our views completely giving  the sympathy vote to the creation and feeling angry towards Victor Frankenstein for  allowing the creature to go through such pain and neglect. .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e , .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e .postImageUrl , .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e , .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e:hover , .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e:visited , .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e:active { border:0!important; } .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e:active , .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u7fa8e2d21dfa3853900c5c2a79cd040e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Romeo and Juliet is a very intense and dramatic play which requires a lot of thought EssayMary Shelleys Frankenstein has a second title; The Modern Prometheus Prometheus in Greek mythology was a titan who stole fire from Olympia and gave it to the humans. For this, the gods punished him by having him tied to a rock and each day large birds would feast on his organs, only for them to have grown back by the next morning meaning a lifetime of suffering. This story has to link with the novel or else its a pointless second title. Personally I feel that it links in very well with the novel because Victor Frankenstein is Prometheus, just like Prometheus Frankenstein thought that what he was doing was for the good of mankind, he only had the best intentions however it backfired and he was punished much like Prometheus but with the murder of his loved ones by his neglected creation. Mary Shelleys life involved a lot of traumatic times, whilst growing up she had no mother as she unfortunately passed away during child birth, she then gave birth to deformed children who went on to pass away. This could have been represented in the novel, portraying herself as Victor Frankenstein and her deformed children as the creation. However the creation in the novel doesnt die, I think that she may have been thinking about how her childrens lives would have been had they lived to an older age, with people still making assumptions over looks and appearances. Also Mary Shelley lived in a very religious time where the abnormal were seen as a sign of the devil, if she grew up taking care of her children she would have been treated awfully and she would not have been accepted in her time, this is like Victor Frankenstein fearing people knowing he is responsible for the creation.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Accounting Software and Business Solutions

Question: Discuss about the Accounting Software and Business Solutions. Answer: Introduction: The report is intended to provide an understanding of the various functions performed by a Baker. Thereby discussing the processes of the organization and understanding the business activities of the bakery. The first part of the report deals with development of the necessary functions or rather the indispensable functions, which are performed at the bakery, and discusses about the outcomes, which are required to achieve the necessary objectives of the business. The report further discusses about the possible software functionalities, which the company should consider in order to achieve the various types of accounting objectives and current issues. For the listing, accounting software package the websites of SAP, MYOB and Xero accounting software has been visited to make the final decision of the software, which is most applicable for B bakery. The later part of the report shows the comparison and the contrast of the various features and functionalities of two of the accounting soft wares among the selected three packages. The primary objective show the comparison and select the most suitable accounting software package for B bakery and providing the rational for the same (Maggi 2014). Defining the business processes Job description of a Baker Baker is an individual who is specialized in mixing and baking the ingredients as per the recipes prepared varieties of pastries, breads and baked items. These baked goods are further sold in the restaurants, wholesalers, grocers and to notional food centers. A Baker is responsible for checking the quality of ingredients, observing color and condition of products, which are being baked, setting of open temperature and placing of the Dough into pans, sheets or molds. A Baker is also responsible for combining of the different ingredients into mixtures or blenders and rolling or shaping of the dough. In the recent times due to changing consumer demands, a Baker is also responsible for adding the various types of toppings, icings and glazes in the baked products to make the products visually more appealing (Work.chron.com. 2016). There are mainly two types of bakers observed namely commercial bakers and retail bakers. The commercial bakers are generally employed in the manufacturing facilities for the production of pastries and bread. In the aforementioned manufacturing facilities the bakers are responsible for using high-volume mixing machines and equipments to produce standardized baked goods. They are often observed to operate in large areas consisting of automated machines, conveyors, mixers and ovens. The commercial bakers are responsible to follow scheduled production procedure and may involve in developing of new recipes (Sevenstarsbakery.com. 2016). The retail bakers on the other hand are considered those breakers who work in grocery stores or the charity stores, with a specialty in bakery. These bakers are generally known to produce smaller quantities of the baked goods as in contrast to the commercial bakers who work in large manufacturing facilities. The smaller quantities of the products are consumed by the people are placed for the sale in the spatiality shops. The small stores are known to take orders from the customers and follow a procedure of just in time inventory where the baked goods are prepared according to the order and then only sell to the customer. The various types of quantities prepared are often known to come in different varieties of sizes and flavors (Retail Bakers of America. 2016). Business process of the organization The business process of the B Bakery has to go through a series of process to reach to the consumers. The first process of the bakery includes sourcing of the raw material and paying of the ingredients. The weighed raw materials are then placed in the mixer for an automated process of mixing the dough. The dough is divided with the help of a divider and placed into the Rounder for giving it the proper shape. The products are placed into check weigher and then further placed into the molder for further processing (Cauvain 2015). The next step involves placing the baked product in a prover give the intended shape to the baked products and finally they are placed in oven for the baking process to take place. The next step involves the depanning of the baked materials and placing the baked products in cooler. The final step of the baking procedure involves packaging and placing the product in weigh machine to get the final estimate of the finished product (Mogol, B.A. and Gkmen 2014). Th e processes of the baking activities are shown below with the diagram as follows. Figure 1: Business activities of baking (Source: Wu et al. 2016) Developing business requirement Processes which are indispensable to perform The B Bakery is found to be operating with 70 employees and having a revenue more than $ 13.5 over the years. Due to the immense experience of the company in bakery, it is essential for it to maintain a sound accounting system for ensuring stability in the performance of the business activities. In the given case although the form has acquired an accountant for maintaining the books and showcasing of financial results every year still the firm has identified the need for an accounting software. Some of the process which are indispensable in nature includes maintenance of top-quality ingredients, pre-fermented sourdough, ensuring maximum customer satisfaction and a proper accounting system for tracking of cash inflow and outflow of the bakery. The company needs to decide between keeping a manual accounting system in compared to a computerised accounting system (Dobija 2015). The most essential concept of the bakery should deal with the fairness and accuracy in the journal entries of the accounting system. The journal entries are indispensable in nature as it is the very base of the accounting system. The company should further ensure that the journal entries are posted in the ledger account for recording and storing of income statement transaction and balance sheet items. Some of the examples of the general ledger account the inventory, investment, equipment and accounts receivable of the bakery. This is important because it shows the various accounts payable, accrued expenses and the deposits made by the customers. The general ledger is known for providing the summary of the records, which are used for purpose of controlling the accounts. The details are supported by the control accounts, which are further known as subsidiary ledger. This is particularly useful when the company is responsible for maintaining accounts receivable in the control account in the general ledger and the subsidiary ledger contains the customer credit activity (aicu 2012). Outcomes required to achieve the business objectives In order to understand the various types of outcomes required for achieving the present business objective a clear understanding of the present accounting procedure is essential. At present, the company is operating accounting system on manual basis. Stated the growth of the company in the recent years is essential to create a robust accounting system. The manual accounting system needs to be incorporated into computerized accounting software for achieving the present business objectives. This will ensure a real-time monitoring and ablation of the accounting entries as per the adjustment made in the day-to-day transactions of the bakery. The computerized accounting entry of the bakery will further ensure efficient operation of business as the time required will be comparatively less than the manual accounting entries. The accounting software will not only automate the process of posting the ledger entries but it will also help in making several types of financial analyses take a lot of time in manual processing. The financial analyses of the data will be based on different types of graphs and charts, which will show the analysis on the basis of the previous obtained data and the present improvements made by the use of new software. This will ensure the company is able to achieve the desired objective of the business. The computerized accounting software may involve some cost at the initial level but due to the potentiality of the business, it will be a lucrative decision for B Bakery to move forward with the decision of adopting the accounting system through computer software (Iacob, and aicu 2012). Determination of the systems requirements B Bakery can consider using accounting software, which will offer the complete solution for order management. The accounting software should offer the feature such as invoicing, costing, scheduling and pricing of the different types of the bakery items such as cakes, pastries, cookies, cupcakes, pies, bagels and many more such items. In order to be more efficient in the reporting standards the company needs to ensure using an accounting software which supports features such as cloud storage and real time updating of the all the data in the software in an automatic basis (Zubchyk 2014). The process of the bakery has to go through number of stages so the accounting software should be customized in such a way which will offer traceability of the finished items of the bakery and able to track then raw materials and the required ingredients from the suppliers. The accounting software should further involve the process of the manufacturer charge backs. This feature will ensure the opportunity of giving promotions, discounts, administrative fees and advertising. The accounting software should further ensure recipe management, which should have an integrated food software and is known for providing the formula for the version control and including the processing instruction of the food items available at the bakery. The implementation of the ERP systems should further include the support for Multitenant Database Container Systems. This system ensures the use of multiple isolated database and ensure the splitting of the tasks in a more efficient way. The accounting software should include the feature such as the cross database access of the different types of the database in the software. The software enhancement should further ensure features such as the backup of the database of the accounting data which will be useful for the purpose of ensuring a better adaptability to the changes which are required to be made in the in the existing entry of the accounting data (Rehkamp and Canning 2015). The overall improvement should ensure a lower latency time in the implementation process of then different types of the accounting software changes and then should include features such as dynamic tiring which will ensure that the customer will be able to get a better flexibility of the product offered by the B bakery. The implementation of the computer software system should ensure that the bakery is able to solve some of the key issues, which are being identified in the key areas of the bakery such as the management and maintenance of the accounting system on the basis of the few people to handle a large amount of the data. The accounting system should, be further integrated in such a way that the bakery is able to provide a real time update of the different line of products in of the bakery items which will ensure that the bakery is able to update the information of the deliveries which are being made in the supermarkets and pub-chains. In order to achieve the IT objective then bakery should, consider the use of automated vendor sourcing and vendor selection from then ERP integration. The selection of the vendor will ensure the best orice offered in t he industry. The Bakery should moreover engage itself in preparation of an invoice based on a material management process through an ERP module. This will ensure up gradation of the existing facilities of the company with a minimum amount of labor required for controlling accounting system. The computerized accounting system of the Bakery should b e able to connect with various types of the department of the accounting system. This will ensure than the company is able to connect with the different types of the departments such as Marketing, production, material management and the procurement of the raw materials. This integration need to be further have an impact on the finance module of the ERP system. The overall objective e of then accounting system should ensure th at all the different types of entries are able to auto update and make an impact in then plant level (Spatayeva Ismailova, and Nurgalieva 2015). The accounting system of the bakery should be implemented across all the manufacturing hubs of the Bakery and ensure minimizing the work force cost in the accounting division. The lowering of the accounting cost in then account division will ensure that the bakery is able to focus in other type of the competitive areas of the business and then ensure that it is able to set a competitive price other products (Domnech-Asensi et al. 2016). Selection of the software The selection of the software has been segregated in three divisions ranging from low end, medium end and high priced ERP system. For making, the selection three different ERP sites have been visited which along with the cost for the implementation for deciding which ERP is considered under the aforementioned categories. The selection is also done based on the most relevant accounting entries performed at B Bakery. The three accounting softwares shortlisted for the purpose of making the decision of selection of the most appropriate accounting software are Xero accounting software, MYOB accounting software and SAP (Myob.com. 2016). By visiting the websites of the aforementioned accounting softwares it can be stated that a SAP is considered as a high-end accounting software, MYOB as a midrange accounting software and Xero as the low-end accounting software (Efe 2016). As the company operates with only 70 employees, the bakery should look forward in integration of accounting system with a midrange to low range computer software. Although the company has shown a lot of potential for improvement in the recent times the high-end accounting, softwares can prove to be an expensive decision especially with the small scale of operations given as per the case study. The company should also look forward to include all the latest features provided in the accounting software with the recent developments. B bakery should ensure that the selected accounting software has the port for mobile applications, invoicing and creating custom purchase orders. The custom purchase orders will ensure that the bakery is able to make changes in the ordering quantities or other ordering attributes, which will have an impact on the accounting at a later stage. B bakery should also ensure that the selected accounting software is able to integrate itself easily with customer rela tionship management. The implementation of customer relationship management with the ERP system will ensure that the company is able to increase its overall profitability by improving customer interactions with the present and potential customers. The CRM feature will ensure that the company is able to synchronize its sales and marketing data with the customer service (Kilic, Zaim and Delen 2014). The overall process of the ERP implementation has been shown below with the diagram as follows : Figure 2: ERP cycle with relevance to software selection (Source: Huang and Yasuda 2014) Vendor selection Comparison of the features of Xero and SAP Xero and SAP are the two accounting softwares compared for knowing about the different functionalities and selecting the best software for Bbakery. The criteria selected for the comparison of the two accounting softwares are relevant to the given case. The rational for selecting Xero accounting software and SAP has been shown for the purpose of comparison of red midrange/low range accounting software (Xero) with high-end accounting software. The various types of functionalities include price paid for minimum package, support from her the latest android device, iPhones and iPads. The criteria also include support for human resource management. As discussed previously customer relationship management is an important criteria for software selection, hence this parameter has also been taken into account. As B bakery the manufacturing unit warehouse management is not required however this criteria has also been selected in case of additional storage capacity in the plant of the bakery. The selection criteria has been also done on the basis of availability of e-commerce integration and cloud deployment of the various entries and accounting information sharing for the purpose of real-time sourcing of data. The criteria selection has also included industry-specific architecture of the enterprise resource which will ensure the flexibility of changing the main stresses of the business as per the requirement. The final selection criteria for companies and has been done on the basis of processing of the data which includes generation of invoice, creation of purchase order, order processing and tracking of final delivery of the goods. However, the main parameter for comparison and has been done based on minimum monthly charges of both the accounting package (Ansorena et al. 2013). The company is in table of Xero accounting software and SAP are shown below as follows: Parameters for comparison Xero accounting software SAP Price of minimum package per month $9 $448.28 Mobile support Yes Yes Human resources No Yes Customer relationship management Yes Yes Finance Yes Yes Business intelligence No Yes Warehouse management No Yes E-commerce No Yes Cloud deployment Yes Yes Industry-specific Yes Yes Procurement Yes Yes Processing Yes Yes The comparison of the accounting software clearly shows Xero is having a minimum monthly package charge of only $ 9 per user whereas SAP charges $ 448.28 for the initial integration of the software. This is a significant difference and the bakery should be wise in making the investment decision. Furthermore, the bakery should ensure it is able to keep its cost on accounting software as low as possible so that it is able to get an edge over the competitors in setting a lower price for the general bakery products. It can be further seen Xero accounting software offers all the same features, which is required for B bakery. Xero has immense support for the latest android devices and the most important criteria of customer relationship management, which will ensure management of the advertisement cost and continuous improvement in the profit through an augmented focus on customer service. The zero accounting software is also found to be very efficient in integrating the different types of purchase order entries with the accounting and real-time application of the stock value in the finance section support. The budget friendly accounting software is further observed to have support for cloud deployment, which will ensure even if there is a failure in the internal server, the data can be securely retrieved from the Internet via cloud storage facilities. The Xero accounting software is also observed was from all the processing requirements needed for the business (Rling et al.2015). On a closer analysis it has to be considered that Xero accounting software does not up for warehouse management facilities which may be required for the excess storage of the partly perishable bakery items. A small amount of warehouse management would have ensured a more economical way of accounting the data. SAP also features human resource management and support for e-commerce, which could have provided an edge for the competitors (SAP 2016). Rationale for selection of the most suitable vendor for the bakery business The software selected for the purpose of an efficient vendor management is Xero accounting software. As per the requirement analysis of B bakery the best fit of accounting software has been identified as the Xero accounting software. This is because B bakery operates with only 70 employees and for such a small bakery unit Xero accounting software will be sufficient to fulfill all the accounting requirements. The accounting software is not only cheap in installation (with only $ 9 monthly expenditure for the starter services) but it has ever features, which are relevant for application in B bakery (Xero Accounting Software. 2016). Some of the key features included in the software applicable for B bakery include: Procedure for easy invoicing Support in all the android phones, iPhone and iPad Ensuring simple inventory management system for an improved stock control Tracking of inventory and real-time updating of the same Support for third-party apps for payments such as PayPal, check keeper, square. Support for third party CRM applications such as insightly for Xero, accelo and capsule CRM The software also provides multicurrency options and update itself with the changing currency rates. The software is also able to create custom purchase orders and copy of bills of payment. The rational for selecting Xero will ensure that the bakery is able to tackle all the present accounting problems and also reduce the cost of human resource for accounting personnel. The cheaper implementation cost of this accounting software will not only ensure that the company is able to get a competitive edge over the competitors but it also improved the profitability of the overall business of the bakery. Furthermore, the implementation of the software will ensure that the company is able to keep itself up to date with all the latest accounting features such as cloud support and online inventory tracking. This will ensure a real-time stock update while preparing the trial balance of the company. The maintenance of this accounting software will also ensure the integration of different types of third-party applications for an easy payment option to the suppliers of the raw materials and bakery ingredients. Just to be also noted that the support for the aforementioned third-party s oftware are very affordable and most suitable for a bakery like this. The selected accounting software will ensure the integration of or functional areas of the business among each other and result in a more robust operation of the company. The integration of the core functional areas will ensure that it is able to make the changes effective in several departments. For example if a entry has been made in creation of purchase order, this will have a direct impact on the accounting journals history. This will enable the provision for more number of orders in the stock of the company (Xero. 2016). Conclusion The overall analysis of the report provides a brief description about the jobs and responsibilities of a baker and the different types of business processes and activities, which is performed by it. The systematic process of the bakery industry is most relevant to the present standards of the bakery business. The outcome analysis has been shown by knowing about the present issues faced by the company in manual accounting of the entries. The prime part of the report suggests the use of Xero accounting software as it is most applicable for the needs of bakery as mentioned in the case study. The rational for this has been provided with a clear comparison with SAP and MYOB accounting software package. The main reason has been also shown for the fact that B bakery is a small/midsized bakery unit, which should consider investing in a midrange accounting software for troubleshooting the present issues and be more competitive with the bakery products in the market. Reference List Ansorena, D., Echarte, A., Oll, R. and Astiasarn, I., 2013. 2012: No trans fatty acids in Spanish bakery products. Food chemistry, 138(1), pp.422-429. Cauvain, S., 2015. Proving, baking and cooling. In Technology of Breadmaking (pp. 147-181). Springer International Publishing. Dobija, M., 2015. Accounting and the GDP measurement system. Domnech-Asensi, G., Merola, N., Lpez-Fernndez, A., Ros-Berruezo, G. and Frontela-Saseta, C., 2016. 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A study of Nur’s role in the Thief and the Dogs Essay Example For Students

A study of Nur’s role in the Thief and the Dogs Essay Women take on various roles in different societies and literature. In conservative societies, a woman’s role is generally restricted because they are only allotted with menial housework. On the other hand, liberal societies allow more freedom for women to engage in society. In The Thief and the Dogs by Naguib Mahfouz, Nur’s role is closely associated with the stereotype of prostitutes and women in Arab society. She abolishes the stereotypical image of prostitutes by arguing that prostitution is simply an occupation, and at the same time represents exploited women in Arabian societies. Mahfouz defeats stereotypes by presenting prostitution simply as an ordinary profession. When Said queries Nur whether she had been drinking, she responds directly and almost flippantly, â€Å"I have to; it’s part of my job. I’m going to take a bath. Here are your newspapers† (96). She is completely at ease discussing her profession, and is not at all troubled that her beloved knows about this part of her life. Through this dialogue, Mahfouz argues that prostitution is simply another way for an underprivileged person to make a living and gain financial freedom. Nur’s actions iterates that drinking and having sex should not be viewed as shameful or dishonorable because â€Å"it is part of life† (96). The action of Nur going to ‘take a bath’ immediately after she returns home symbolizes that the occupation is manageable just like all others (96). All professions in the world has occupational diseases and setbacks. Thus Mahfouz is simply saying that bathing is a part of Nur’s occupation and a way for Nur to deal with its vocational setbacks (96). Other character’s impartial view towards prostitutes allow Nur to gain emotional independence. For instance, when Said finds Nur vomiting after being attacked by her clients, he does not condemn her profession; instead he â€Å"angrily† regards her clients as â€Å"dogs,† and says â€Å"It is not fault at all† (108). Said does not deem Nur as a dirty and contemptible woman who provides pleasure for other men, but condemns the customers who abused her. Mahfouz uses strong words such as â€Å"dogs†,a word often used to describe enemies or the worthless, to address the clients because they practically stole sex from Nur (108). In this case, women alone are not to be criticized, since prostitution also involves clients who use money to debase themselves and wield control over women. Nur’s innocence is emphasized when Said says â€Å"It’s not fault at all† in an â€Å"angry† tone (108). Said is able to comfort Nur and make h er understand that she has done no wrong. Mahfouz creates Nur’s image as an Egyptian prostitute who admits her profession with no shame to encourage the readers to question the common stereotypes on prostitutes. Prostitution in The Thief and the Dogs is neither disparaged nor acclaimed. However, Mahfouz abolishes the stereotypes against prostitutes through Nur, who also represents symbolizes Egyptian women. Nur also represents the inferiority of women in Arab society as she is abused materially. Even when Said first meets Nur, he can only think of taking advantage of her. While Said clearly respects and cares for Tarzan, he seeks to financially benefit from Nur as he tells her that what he â€Å"really needs is a car† (62). Instead of asking Tarzan to provide a car for him, Said asks Nur to help him steal one because he reckons her as inferior, treating her as bait in his crime. Said’s abuse of Nur represents the general attitude of Arabian men towards women. Mahfouz uses the word ‘needs’ to relay the idea to readers that women are subordinate to men and thus can be demanded to provide something for their superiors (62). In an Arabic society, this word, ‘need,’ is supposed to act as a cue for the female character to work to satisfy the man. .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db , .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db .postImageUrl , .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db , .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db:hover , .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db:visited , .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db:active { border:0!important; } .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db:active , .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub6d892bc3f7ec5d84dad45f0381461db:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Sales Process EssayIn addition, Nur is not only materially abused, but also taken advantage of emotionally. Said takes Nur’s love for granted and expresses none back to her. Mahfouz describes Nur’s affection towards Said, that â€Å" had been like a nightingale singing to the rock, a breeze caressing sharp pointed spikes† (60). Mahfouz uses these imageries to give a euphonic effect to the reader and a clear view about the relationship between the two. Nur is depicted as the â€Å"nightingale† and the ‘breeze’ (60). Hence, the author uses these images to evoke a positive impression of Nur: as sweet as a nightingale and as pleasant as a breeze. On the other hand, Said is described as â€Å"rock† and â€Å"sharp pointed spikes† (60). Thus, the author uses these images to set up a negative impression about Said as some cold person who rejects the nightingale, Nur, and inflicts pain on her with his ‘spikes’ (60). The emotions of Nur is accepted by Said as he wishes to satiate his need for comfort. However, he gives none back as he is like the rock and sees Nur simply as some subordinate being he could leech off emotional comfort from. The â€Å"rock† is an inanimate object, a static thing that does is inelastic to external influences (60). In another instance, Nur’s emotions are also abused when she shows her true feelings towards Said and mentions, â€Å"you are dearer to me than my own life and breath, in my entire life I have never known happiness except in your arms. But you’d rather destroy yourself than love me† (129). Nur is devoted to Said and is willing to do anything for him. She finds being in ‘ arms’ the best thing in her life (129). However, Said betrays her feelings and shatters her dream of living happily ever after in a distant place. He only wishes to satiate his desires and ambitions for revenge, but ends up murdering innocent men, and thus ‘destroys ’ (129). Mahfouz further highlights the amount of love Nur feels towards Said as she mentions ‘you are dearer to me than my own life and breath’ (129). This allows the readers to feel that Nur’s love was not shallow, but truly devoted. By using ‘life’ and ‘breath,â€℠¢ Mahfouz successfully conveys the idea that to Nur, Said is like a primary necessity (129). Through the portrayal of a rejection by Said of a true love, Mahfouz successfully passes on the idea that women were viewed as inferior to men and women’s emotions were leeched off by men. Although through the profession as a prostitute, Nur is able to find financial and emotional autonomy, she is constantly exploited by men and thus represents Arab women. The actions of using Nur indeed reiterates that Nur is a representation of general Arab women of Mahfouz’s days when they were viewed as subordinate to men. Nur certainly holds a very important role in The Thief and the Dogs through reputing the customs on prostitutes and representing women in Arab society. This is evident through her interactions with others as she defines prostitution simply as another job while being exploited by men throughout her career. The stereotypes held on prostitutes and Arab women are still persistent in the modern society. Mahfouz’s depiction of Nur, however, makes the readers curious whether such commonly held views will be eradicated in the future with the influence of novels such as The Thief and the Dogs.